Thursday, December 2, 2010

Landmark Report By Peter Thomas Senese and Carolyn Vlk Exposes Policy Loophole In International Child Abduction Border-Crossing Prevention

Carolyn Ann Vlk and I worked dilegently in trying to find the answer to the question, How Are Our Children Being Internationally Abducted And Illegally Removed From Our Country?

We believe we have found a significant part of the answer, and on behalf of Carolyn and myself, we urge you to read the titled report: "International Parental Child Abduction and Human Trafficking In The Western Hemisphere".

To download a PDF copy of the report, Please Click Here.

To download a Word copy of the report, Please Click Here.

In advance, thank you for taking the time to read this report - it very well may one day help you protect a defenseless child.

Peter Thomas Senese

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Are Our Children Being Stolen Across International Borders?

The more I understand how dangerous a place Mexico is for our nation's children the more puzzled I become over why we do not have more stringent border crossing protocals in place for our children. Mexico has been the location where over 1,000 U.S. child-citizens have been 'reported' to have been abducted to over the past two years. It is believed that substantially more children are abducted, but their kidnapping has not been reported to the U.S. Central Authority.

What I have come to learn is that there are so many legal loopholes that would allow a person intent on abducting a child across international borders the ability to do so despite whatever court orders or government blockades established. And truth is, it is not very difficult to do. Not at all.

In the upcoming report titled 'How Are Our Children Being Stolen?', Carolyn Ann Vlk and I will provide shocking information that answers this question.

For more information on International Parental Child Abduciton, please visit 'Chasing The Cyclone'.

For more information on me, please visit